Monday, October 3, 2011


While I was babysitting last week I was invited to go on the school field trip to the Taiwan Bakery with Nathan. He loved making these fruit filled cookies in the white cookie press. He especially loved the part that they got to slap it on the table 4 or 5 times to get the cookies to come out of the press.

This was the face that Nathan had when he got to taste the cookies that he made! He didn't like them at all. Fun to make not good to eat! Typical Taiwan Food I guess. We took them home to show his parents when they came home. (they never got eaten)
Nathan's whole class on the field trip at the museum and bakery.
(Mr Ritchi is the teacher)

Nathan hitting the Taiwan Drum

Oh yeah this is the American School Bus in Taiwan. Pretty nice huh! I wish the city buses that I ride where this nice.

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