Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pampering with Carrie

While our husbands out of town Carrie and I had a girls night out. First of all went out to dinner and had Vietnamese food. I think all of my night or days out start with or end with food. That could be why I have gained weight. After eating we got on Carrie's scooter which I was deathly afraid to do in Taipei. On went the helmet and off we rode just a few blocks away to get a relaxing massage which I really needed after the scooter ride. We started with a 15 minute neck and shoulder massage while we soaked our feet. Then we had a 45 minute foot and calf massage. I only had to say ouch one time the rest of it felt great. Very relaxing! After the relaxing massage we got back on the scooter and Carrie drove me home. (not so relaxing) Especially when she went between the parked cars and the bus. She even told me to squeeze my legs together to fit. It really wasn't that bad but I hated it.  So much for the relaxing massage. Fun times in Taiwan!

Fun Signs

I guess STOP is the same in any Language

Loved the caption on the bottom of this sign

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Little Man Daxton

August 1, 2011       Daxton George Hoover

Daxton at 2 months old! 15 lbs
I was so lucky to be home when Daxton was born. I got to hold him and my other grandchildren. I got to hug my kids and see them and talk to them. Since returning to Taiwan I have missed everything. My kids are growing up and changing and learning and I am not there to see it. I havent even been able to make Daxton smile yet. I rely on emails and phone calls and the webcam to keep in contact with my kids. I cant wait to touch their faces and hug them again.  By the time I get home I will have missed all the Hoildays coming up. That is alot to give up for a job. Life is so short and moments like these never come again.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ride from H---

I decided to come and visit Jim this week up the Mountain. I left the apartment at 7:00 AM and arrived at 12:30. I rode up with a couple of guys from the job and a little family of three kids. It is a long and winding road to come up here so two of the three children got car sick and were throwing up the entire way. The mother kept feeding the baby and he would then throw it up. The entire van smelled of vomit and everyone behind me was covered in it. The guy driving had to cover his face and stop several times just to keep his breakfast down. I laughed and told myself I knew I hated coming up here and now I have another reason to hate it. Then when we finally got up here it was just as I remembered cloudy and foggy and misty. Just like walking in the clouds. Very depressing for sure. Jim is happy though because he has a long rotation this time and wanted a visit. I even brought up pizza's for dinner tonight and treats for later. (although right now that doesn't sound too good) It may take a few hours before I want anything to eat after the fun ride up. The family with the kids was only coming up for one day too. Tomorrow they will ride down. The best part is that it is one of their birthdays and they brought up a big cake to eat before heading down to Taipei. I am glad I wont be in that car.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Why Women Live Longer Than Men

Jim and I looked out the window of our apartment the other day and saw these two men standing outside on a TINY Little ledge fixing the air conditioner. They were standing on almost nothing moving all over and they were out there forever. If you look really close you can probably see the  women standing there inside (safe) watching them and I am sure giving them directions of how or what to fix. This is on the 4th floor!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Stinky Fruit

Jim and were out shopping and just had to take a few pictures of weird things we found in the grocery store. This is Stinky Fruit because it really stinks. That makes the store smell so good.

Just around the corner of the store was the bakery. We found these tasty items.The first on has black eggs on top. The other one is a Taiwan Hot Dog. (I guess that is what it was) No I didn't buy to taste. We did buy some mustard that day.

When we got to the  meat section we found this big ham. We both thought of my mother when we saw it. She would LOVE this ham bone. You have to know the story of the one we almost gave the dog.We laughed. We were supposed to go to Orchid Island this weekend but Jim got the Asian Flu so we stayed close to home and a Bathroom!

Monday, October 3, 2011


While I was babysitting last week I was invited to go on the school field trip to the Taiwan Bakery with Nathan. He loved making these fruit filled cookies in the white cookie press. He especially loved the part that they got to slap it on the table 4 or 5 times to get the cookies to come out of the press.

This was the face that Nathan had when he got to taste the cookies that he made! He didn't like them at all. Fun to make not good to eat! Typical Taiwan Food I guess. We took them home to show his parents when they came home. (they never got eaten)
Nathan's whole class on the field trip at the museum and bakery.
(Mr Ritchi is the teacher)

Nathan hitting the Taiwan Drum

Oh yeah this is the American School Bus in Taiwan. Pretty nice huh! I wish the city buses that I ride where this nice.

More Strange Food

Michele and Miyuki and I went shopping and stopped for lunch at this Japanese restaurant. I had no idea what we were getting. They had ordered for us and I was just going trying new things. I don't know why but I had a really hard time with the food at this restaurant. If I had to eat this food all the time I would be skinny for sure!

Eel on a stick

I didn't like it!!! And did not eat it.

When we came out of the yucky restaurant this table full of ducks was there to greet us! You just don't see this in Utah.

You also don't see this kind pizza on a buffet table either. This pizza had pineapple, peas, carrots, corn and ham. No not too good either!!!