Saturday, April 2, 2011


I have started a new adventure in Taiwan. I am now a volunteer at a baby orphanage. I went for the first time yesterday and I almost cried to see all these babies that had been given up for adoption. Some have problems and other are perfect little ones that for one reason or another have no one. When I heard about the program and I felt like that would be something I could do with my extra time. I am not allowed to take pictures or even give out the address of the place but it is a Christan run home that houses  up to 30 babies at a time. They range anywhere from newborn to age two. The lady said they are always full and need lots of help especially with the older more active babies. There are 4 different areas. Each with different age group of children. One room is just for the terminally ill or handicap children. I couldn't go in there too long this first time because I was tearing up to bad. I decided to help with one year old babies. We just played until one of the nurses came to get one of them and took them either to eat or put them in bed for a nap. These children are on a strict schedule. They eat and sleep at exactly the same time everyday. After all the the older children had gone to sleep I went upstairs to the newborn room. They are perfect beautiful children with tons and tons of long dark hair. Really cute! There I found the nurse feeding one baby while bouncing 2 others in chairs with her feet. I took one little boy and got him to sleep then moved to another. They really need the help there and I loved it. I cant wait to go back!

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