Monday, June 20, 2011

Ryan and Shannon's Visit to Taiwan

We did all the site seeing that our feet would allow us to do! We were so eager to get out there and see things that we showed up before they even opened the first day. Taiwan people are not morning people. Nothing opens early in the morning we realized.
Ryan's back was hurting from all the walking and shopping so he decided to get a massage. Shannon and I were next door having some shoes made for Shelby. He said it was great and wanted to go back several times during the trip but he never got to go.
It was so HOT at the Zoo that Ryan needed to cool off so Shannon helped! We had awesome weather the whole time they were here. We were very hot walking around so every time we got a cloud or a breeze we were grateful for it. We got rained on one night on our way back to the apartment. We should have taken advantage of the water because when we got to the apartment the water was not working. It just happened to be the beach day and we all were a little bit sandy. I barely got showered downstairs in the pool area before it ran out completely. Ryan and Shannon were told to go into the pool and rinse off with the shower massage. It comes out like a pressure washer and it was cold but it helped with all the sand.
We ordered chicken for lunch one day and it came with the feet. Shannon was brave enough to put them in her mouth! Ryan swore he would never kiss her again but he did. We still cant believe they really eat these weird things and like them. Stinky Tofu is the worst. You cant even stand to walk by it. I cant imagine eating it. They also have a Stinky Fruit. One day we walked by and they had a cigarette setting on them to cover the stink. It is pretty bad that I would pick cigarette smell over a fruit smell but I do.
 We had Hot weather everyday they were here so we spent a couple of days at the beach! The sand was so hot on one of the beaches I got blisters on my feet walking from the road to the water! We decided  to find a new beach the second day and we  got lost several times before finding the one we were looking for. It sure helped to have Jim speak a little Chinese that day! By the time we found the beach and got relaxed they closed the beach. They close the beach at the most beautiful time of day 5:00 PM. We were not ready to go but we had to. We did get a couple of hours in before they closed the beach.
One if the best days here we took the Gondola ride that had a glass bottom in it. It was a wonderful view for sure. Jim and Ryan had fun taking pictures.

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