Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It is Amazing to me...

It is amazing to me that I live in a  Foreign Country. I can not speak the language and I cant understand anything being said to me or around me. I cant read the signs or even understand the comericals on TV. But in any language a child pitching a fit is still the same.

It is amazing to me how hard it rains here and yet the power stays on. I have seen the wiring in these buildings and Jim has worked with the construction workers and both of us are amazed. If we were in Utah we would have lost power tons of times.

It is amazing to me that having an Earthquake and a Typhoon is normal and not feared.

It is amazing to me that Taiwan has such exceptional beauty and such ugliness exist on the same block.

It is amazing to me how close I have come to being hit by a scooter, bicycle, or Taxi in the cross walk and on the sidewalk. Pedestrians do Not have the right of way here anywhere.

It is amazing to me that I have not driven a car in almost 5 months. I miss it very much. It is extremely hard to hold on and stay upright in the bus. I think some of the drivers are just messing with us to see how many they can throw down with there erratic driving.

It is amazing to me the demonstration of respect shown to the elderly around here. The young people just get out of their seat to give them up to an older person or someone who is hurt or pregnant. It is wonderful to watch. Some of elderly argue and don't want the seat but the younger person will not set back down.

It is amazing to me how very sharp the really cheap knives and scissors are here.

It is amazing to me how all the hikes consist of thousands of stairs. I cant believe that some one has either taken the wood or the cement up these mountains and made these really long steep hikes up all the mountains around Taiwan. I would not want that job for sure. I have a hard time just walking up the stairs hauling me.

It is amazing to me how stinky the food and fruit is here and yet I still haven't lost weight. Even here I have found amazing food that I love and will definitely miss.

It is amazing to me that such tiny people can eat so much food. AND Besides Bruce, I have never seen someone put so much food in their mouth at one time.

It is amazing to me how hard it is to find anything in my size... and we can spend $1000.00 on dinner and it is normal.

It is amazing to me how curly Jim's hair gets and how straight and stringy mine gets. I have never looked this ugly for so long in my entire life.

It is amazing to me how much fun I have had here and yet been so lonely...I miss my family and friends.  Love to you all!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Birthday and Father's Day 2011

Jim  2011

I just wanted to take a few minutes to say Happy Birthday and  Happy Father's Day to Jim. He had a great birthday because Ryan and Shannon were here and we got to hang out with them for over a week. They had brought him (us) a wonderful recordable book that the kids had read to us. Both Jim and I had tears in our eyes after listening to the children read us the book. We miss our kids so much and it was so great to hear their voices. Now when I get lonely I just open the book and I am no longer alone. Colby made Jim a helicopter and the other children made him decorations to hang in the window. Ryan and Shannon made paper balloons and hung them from the ceiling. They couldn't find crayons in my apartment so they used finger nail polish to decorate with. (very resourceful)  Father's Day left a little to be desired. Ryan and Shannon left early in the morning to go home so that was sad. I tried to make it a special day for him but he was sad. He got to talk to his kids and Father so that was good. We have been having a good time in Taiwan but we cant wait to be home.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Ryan and Shannon's Visit to Taiwan

We did all the site seeing that our feet would allow us to do! We were so eager to get out there and see things that we showed up before they even opened the first day. Taiwan people are not morning people. Nothing opens early in the morning we realized.
Ryan's back was hurting from all the walking and shopping so he decided to get a massage. Shannon and I were next door having some shoes made for Shelby. He said it was great and wanted to go back several times during the trip but he never got to go.
It was so HOT at the Zoo that Ryan needed to cool off so Shannon helped! We had awesome weather the whole time they were here. We were very hot walking around so every time we got a cloud or a breeze we were grateful for it. We got rained on one night on our way back to the apartment. We should have taken advantage of the water because when we got to the apartment the water was not working. It just happened to be the beach day and we all were a little bit sandy. I barely got showered downstairs in the pool area before it ran out completely. Ryan and Shannon were told to go into the pool and rinse off with the shower massage. It comes out like a pressure washer and it was cold but it helped with all the sand.
We ordered chicken for lunch one day and it came with the feet. Shannon was brave enough to put them in her mouth! Ryan swore he would never kiss her again but he did. We still cant believe they really eat these weird things and like them. Stinky Tofu is the worst. You cant even stand to walk by it. I cant imagine eating it. They also have a Stinky Fruit. One day we walked by and they had a cigarette setting on them to cover the stink. It is pretty bad that I would pick cigarette smell over a fruit smell but I do.
 We had Hot weather everyday they were here so we spent a couple of days at the beach! The sand was so hot on one of the beaches I got blisters on my feet walking from the road to the water! We decided  to find a new beach the second day and we  got lost several times before finding the one we were looking for. It sure helped to have Jim speak a little Chinese that day! By the time we found the beach and got relaxed they closed the beach. They close the beach at the most beautiful time of day 5:00 PM. We were not ready to go but we had to. We did get a couple of hours in before they closed the beach.
One if the best days here we took the Gondola ride that had a glass bottom in it. It was a wonderful view for sure. Jim and Ryan had fun taking pictures.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Babysitting Fun

At McDonald's (they are everywhere even here)

Playing for fun!

The DOG!

Reading all the time!

Ice Cream Good!  Cookies, Yeah I don't have to eat them!!!!
 I watch these kids while their parents went to the Philippines for a few days. They were really good. In fact abnormally good. They don't watch TV they play with Lego's for hours. They don't fight with each other. They love to read and play musical instruments. They play at least 2 each. The youngest one came in to ask me at lunch one day if he had to eat his cookie. I had just given him and a friend a cookie after eating their lunch. I said no and he went running back into the kitchen yelling yeah, I don't have to eat the cookie. This same child wanted toast for breakfast so I ask him if he wanted a banana with it. He told me that he likes 3 fruits bananas, broccoli and carrots. Could he please have 4 carrots today instead.  So he had toast, carrots and milk. The oldest wanted to read all the time. I was supposed to stop him if he read too much but I figured if that was his big problem so be it. The problem I had was with the DOG. Maddie woke us up on Sunday morning at 6:00 AM. I got up to let her out to go potty.( I assumed that was the problem). When I opened the door she ran back into the bed. I put her out anyway. As soon as I got back into bed she started barking again to get back in the house. I ignored her then before I knew it she was back in the house barking again. The sweet little girl had let her in and shut the kitchen door to keep her away from everyone. But Maddie wasn't happy until we all got up and let her roam the whole house. I could have killed the dog that morning and felt good about it.  All the other mornings we all got up early because the kids had school so the dog was happy. One day I went outside with the little one to write on the driveway with chalk and play with bubbles. Maddie was inside the fenced yard barking. I decided I had heard enough! I turned on the hose and sprayed the dog. Every time she barked I sprayed her again. Finally she shut up. She got it. This women will not put up with me. I guess I am not a good dog sitter. So note to self don't ask Vickie to watch my dog.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

More New Fruit.

We found out they were Lychee Nuts
 Jim got introduced to this new fruit at work and we have no idea what it is called. We went on a long hike/walk today and walked right by my fruit lady. Jim looked around and she had them so he bought  these for us to eat. The outside is tough and thick . They are the size of a big Strawberry. They peel open and inside it is white with a small pit. It has a grape like texture and are very good. It is amazing to me how many new things we have gotten to try. What a treat!