Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Walking, Stairs, then walk, walk, walk....

I am so tired of walking and stairs. Everywhere we go you have to walk forever.... If I want to go anywhere I walk to the bus get on and stand on the bus because there are no seats available. Which is a trick because if you don't hang on you are dead meat. Then walk to the MRT (like TRAX) to the trains.  Stand on the train again because there are no seats and ride to wherever you are going.  Then walk to get out of the station and then walk to wherever you are going. If you are site seeing it involves stairs stairs and more stairs. Jim just left to go up the mountain, and for the past few days we have done nothing that didn't involve a ton on walking, including a hike up a mountain to a ROCK. Then we went through the mountain side of mausoleums and then home.  Round trip was about 15 miles. You would think with all this walking I would be as skinny as a rail.  No way.. I find bakeries and ice cream and doughnuts.. I am lazy and want to be driven around and I don't want to carry everything I buy. I want to put it in my car and drive home. I am really spoiled!

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