Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Rock

The Rock
Our Apartment
I have made a goal for myself and this is it.  Make it to this rock from my apartment without stopping to gasp for air. The top picture has a rock at the top point (middle of the picture).  That  picture was taken from my apartment window. I see people on this rock all the time. Jim found out where to go to get up to the rock and we went together that first time. I had to stop several times huffing and puffing and setting down. It is a natural rock stair climb that never ends. The second picture is taken from the rock looking back at our apartment. Our apartment is the tall dark gray building in the middle. I just got back from my 5th time hiking to the rock. I have gotten further with out stopping but no where near the top. I may never make it all the way but I am going to keep trying.  I get passed by some really old people, some even with canes. Taiwan people believe in staying in shape. I am not! Now the goal is in print I really have to do it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 26th 2011 35 years together

Jim and I went to Kenting for our 35th anniversary this year. We had a great time. The first day we had Sunshine and Jelly Fish in the ocean so no snorkeling but very relaxing. The next day was not sunny and windy so we went shopping and then we rented a Taiwan Harley! Boy we looked great on that. We toured around and went to the end of the island stopping at several beaches along the way. We watched men out surfing and enjoyed watching the big waves. We also rented bikes and toured around. We didn't just set around we moved and did something all the time. We played pool, table tennis, and bowling.  My idea of fun is just like our first day there but because the weather didn't cooperate we had Jim's kind of fun. GO,GO,GO. But you know what?  Just being together was the best of all..... I Love this guy!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Taiwan LDS Temple and LDS Church

Taiwan L.D.S. Temple
Both Buildings side by side
Our Church building

Taiwan L.D.S. Temple


The first time Jim went to church the taxi let him out and he walked around looking for the church building. He could tell which building was the temple but he thought the other building was the visitors center.  After a few minutes he figured out that it was the church building. Everyone one was so nice and we have just fit in ever since. It is so comforting to know that the church is the same all over the world.  It was really good for me to walk in and feel a piece of home that far away from home. I was blessed to find several friends there to help me navigate through this strange city and have fun doing it. What a blessing the church is in my life. The lord knows when we are in trouble and need help. He teaches us lessons we may not want to learn but he provides us with leaders to follow wherever we are. He provides great people to reach out and fellowship you and make you feel welcome. The Lord truly does love us.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Taiwan Museum

Jim the Disk Jockey. ( Cant you see it?)
We come from FROGS????
Taiwan Drywall (smooth wall?)
This is the Taiwan Museum. Jim couldn't believe how bad the drywall (plaster) was of course. But on the whole it was very beautiful and fun to walk through.

Peace Park

This is just one of the many beautiful parks in Taiwan.  It is right next to the Taiwan Museum. You can tell we have been getting a lot of rain.  That is why I am always in the yellow rain coat. It is not the only thing I own.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Taiwan Beauty

I really am blessed to be able to see all this.  I never believed I would ever live any where out of the United States.  I didn't think I would ever see Asia either. Count your many blessings right! Look for the beauty and you will find it!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Kids

I just got this wonderful picture from my one of my awesome daughters. This picture was was taken at our welcome home going away party at our home in February.  It is all my kids but one. (We missed you Tyson.) It has become one of my favorite pictures.  The following is the other one.

My Family
I know that I am prejudice but I think they are pretty handsome!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Walking, Stairs, then walk, walk, walk....

I am so tired of walking and stairs. Everywhere we go you have to walk forever.... If I want to go anywhere I walk to the bus get on and stand on the bus because there are no seats available. Which is a trick because if you don't hang on you are dead meat. Then walk to the MRT (like TRAX) to the trains.  Stand on the train again because there are no seats and ride to wherever you are going.  Then walk to get out of the station and then walk to wherever you are going. If you are site seeing it involves stairs stairs and more stairs. Jim just left to go up the mountain, and for the past few days we have done nothing that didn't involve a ton on walking, including a hike up a mountain to a ROCK. Then we went through the mountain side of mausoleums and then home.  Round trip was about 15 miles. You would think with all this walking I would be as skinny as a rail.  No way.. I find bakeries and ice cream and doughnuts.. I am lazy and want to be driven around and I don't want to carry everything I buy. I want to put it in my car and drive home. I am really spoiled!