Monday, February 14, 2011

The NO Sleepover!

The night before we left for Taiwan we had a No sleepover. We ate pizza and played games and camped out in the front room on the floor. We told stories and giggled and finally started snoring... Then BRIGHT and Early we all woke up and ate everything left over in the kitchen.  We had pizza, cereal. bacon and eggs, muffins, and chocolate milk.  We even had cookies and candy for dessert.. Then in the afternoon we met up with my 3 boys and wives and  almost all my kids and went to lunch in Salt Lake on the way to the airport. It was a great day! 

 The trip over here was LONG and still no sleep.  We left Utah at 8:10 PM on the 12th and arrived in Taiwan February 14th at 6:00 AM.  We came back to rain and clouds. I am so grateful for modern technology.  Without it I would be lost.  We have been able to call and see our kids since we got here and that really helps me with the transition. Jim left this morning for his 10 day rotation. Ryan is going up the mountain with him for the first time.  It will be good for the 2 of them to have each other.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are the coolest grandparents ever!! I bet your grandkids adore you! I'm feeling tired for you -- that is a LONG trip. Dont let the rain and gloom and Jim being gone get you down. Have fun and keep smiling!
