Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My First Week Back in Taiwan

Here we go again... I didn't leave the apartment for 2 days. I sat in front of the TV and became a couch potato. I ate peanut butter sandwiches and drank milk and Coke Zero. They don't even have REAL Diet Coke here. Anyway I finally left the apartment to go and get my cell phone turned on but I didn't take both my passport and ARC card so NO PHONE yet. I have to go back tomorrow. I did go to a store on the way home called Care fore which is as close to Walmart as they get here and bought a crock pot. That will help allot since I don't have an oven here. I will have to get creative with the crock pot. So email me as many great recipes as you can for the crock pot. The next stumbling block will be to find the ingredients. I have to look for pictures on the boxes and cans because I cant read Chinese. Life in a foreign country...

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