Saturday, February 26, 2011

February in Taipei



Everywhere we go there are flowers blooming.  It is beautiful. We are enjoying the beauty and loving the fact that we are not shoveling snow. I hate being cold!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Much Ado about Poo Poo

Jim is in this category
 Every where we went in the Taipei Zoo we would see sign's about poop. I guess they have a fascination about it.  We were amused.  I thought I would pass the information along just in case you were wondering or if it ever came up in conversation.  Maybe it will come up in a Trivia Game.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Taipei Zoo


Which one is Me?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hospitals Here...

Last night Jim found out about Taiwan hospitals. He started having a lot of pain in his back and called the nurse on site to come check it out.  She decided to take him to the hospital in town.  After a three hour drive down the mountain into town, xrays and exam it was decided that he has kidney stones.  He and I were both appreciative of the nurse's skill and ability to translate for Jim with the doctors and nurses in the hospital. I was also glad to have my son Ryan with Jim to keep me informed since I couldn't be there in person. So after a night without sleep the doctors sent him back to his place with drugs and orders to drink tons of water and pass that stone. So that is what he is doing now. I thought that we saw all the doctors we could while in Utah and we would be done for a while. Nope. The adventure continues.. Life with Jim is never boring that is for sure.
One more hospital visit and the stone's have passed and we (Jim) has saved one to show everyone.  His baby..  

Friday, February 18, 2011

My Chinese Girls

           Averie, Olivia, and Shelby wanted to make us feel at home

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My First Week Back in Taiwan

Here we go again... I didn't leave the apartment for 2 days. I sat in front of the TV and became a couch potato. I ate peanut butter sandwiches and drank milk and Coke Zero. They don't even have REAL Diet Coke here. Anyway I finally left the apartment to go and get my cell phone turned on but I didn't take both my passport and ARC card so NO PHONE yet. I have to go back tomorrow. I did go to a store on the way home called Care fore which is as close to Walmart as they get here and bought a crock pot. That will help allot since I don't have an oven here. I will have to get creative with the crock pot. So email me as many great recipes as you can for the crock pot. The next stumbling block will be to find the ingredients. I have to look for pictures on the boxes and cans because I cant read Chinese. Life in a foreign country...

Monday, February 14, 2011

The NO Sleepover!

The night before we left for Taiwan we had a No sleepover. We ate pizza and played games and camped out in the front room on the floor. We told stories and giggled and finally started snoring... Then BRIGHT and Early we all woke up and ate everything left over in the kitchen.  We had pizza, cereal. bacon and eggs, muffins, and chocolate milk.  We even had cookies and candy for dessert.. Then in the afternoon we met up with my 3 boys and wives and  almost all my kids and went to lunch in Salt Lake on the way to the airport. It was a great day! 

 The trip over here was LONG and still no sleep.  We left Utah at 8:10 PM on the 12th and arrived in Taiwan February 14th at 6:00 AM.  We came back to rain and clouds. I am so grateful for modern technology.  Without it I would be lost.  We have been able to call and see our kids since we got here and that really helps me with the transition. Jim left this morning for his 10 day rotation. Ryan is going up the mountain with him for the first time.  It will be good for the 2 of them to have each other.

Grandma's Jewlery

Big Hoop Earrings!
Putting them away
Before the Big move I cleaned out my jewelry box and gave a bunch of it away to my little girls.  They really enjoyed it.  Olivia wanted to wear the great big ones to play basketball that night.  We talked her out of that. I can remember wearing these huge things all the time. No wonder my ears hurt!

    My Bling!