Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hualien/Taroko Gorge

We spent the last weekend in Hualien. It is located on the eastern side of the island. The second day there we hired a taxi for the day to take us around and show us Taroko Gorge and all the other sites around the area. Tony was our Taxi driver and he was awesome. He took us to the gorge and hiking spots and made sure we didn't miss a thing. Then he took us to see some old Japanese homes, great restaurants, and the beach!

Tony the tour guide and us at our best!

This is the Hotel we stayed in while in Hualien. We took bicycles from the hotel one day and went for a ride along the river to the ocean and by the country side. We rode until we were starving and had to turn around to go find food. We found a Pizza Hut with a Buffet so we thought we had really scored. 
BUT..Nope the food was weird. They had real salad and drinks but the rest had a Taiwan flair. Seafood and pineapple pizza, Thai pizza, Chicken with something? and Sweet Potato pizza. We hoped they would put out one good pizza before we were done even plain cheese would have be great. They finally did right before we left and too full to eat anything else. Go Figure...
While riding along the river we saw a bunch of jumping fish. Jim tried so hard to get a picture of them. Every time he would focus in one area they would jump behind him. It was so funny to watch. You have to look really close but he did get one jumping.

The beauty of the Gorge
Water Fall!
This is an Eternal Spring and a Shrine built to honor all the people who lost their lives building the road through the gorge. There were 255 people who lost their lives being hit with rocks caught in avalanches and in esplosions or fell off of cliffs.

The flowers on the tree's are huge and beautiful! I wish I could say the same for my hair.

Maybe it is the new Salon I found!

We stopped at a tribal village to look around and this women was making a blanket while we watched.

We were told that when the people of the village turn age 12 they get the tattoo on their forehead. Then when they become a women or a man they get the bottom tattoo. The women's tattoo goes all the way across her face. If they didn't get the tattoo no one would marry them.

Beautiful Beaches

More Food!

AND More Food! There is a really sticky rice in the Bamboo on the front of the tray.

Everywhere you go in Taiwan you see people eating lunch out of these square boxes. I found out they are called Bentos. Most of them are made and cooked at home and taken with them. If not they buy them at many fast food type places. This one was on the train going to Hualien. Some of them smell good and some are really stinky. I finally figured out why some of the people wear a face mask!

See the sign?  Notice the Taiwan people swimming? Another time when rules are just a suggestion. Oh well when in Taiwan...

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