Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another Girls Day..

Glass Art Museum in Bali

Camille and Michele at the Archeology Muesum

In Danshui we happened on a 100 year celebration. We were there to see a Dragon Boat coming into port after rowing for 10 days. There were 18 men on the boat and they had left Orchid Island 10 days before and were just getting to Danshui. There were tons of people there to greet them including the news media. They had 2 drum corps and traditional dancers there to greet them too. We were very lucky to just happen on the whole thing. Some of the men on the boat were very old. You could tell that they had done this to make themselves and their family proud. You could also tell it was a great honor for them to be the ones to up hold the tradition. The men in the boat were wearing the same outfits as the last picture of the little boys. Remember I said some of the men were very old.  Yeah, just picture it.

Right after the men got the Dragon Boat ashore it started rain HARD! We started walking back to the MRT but it was raining so hard we were getting soaked even with an umbrella. We ducked into a little restaurant to eat some lunch and hopefully wait out the rain. It was Japanese food. I got some kind of Pork and Kimshi with rice. It was really good. By the time we got through eating it wasn't raining so we started walking back and it started raining just as hard as before. We were slipping in our shoes but kept walking back. We were even singing "Singing in the Rain". Overall it was a great day full of beauty and fun!

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