Friday, January 20, 2012

The Asian Cruise

Jim Wearing his New Christmas Hat! Later that day he got a hair cut for my present. When we got home Olivia told him that the hair cut didn't work he still looked like Willy Wonka. It
 was a weird Christmas day without family and a wonderful day in the sun with my best friend!

Jim received these lovely Christmas Tree Ornaments as a reminder of our Christmas in Asia. It is sad that we actually looked like these ornaments. Jim had long curly hair and that is totally me laying around on the beach mat doing nothing and we are both Fat!  We were eating our way through Asia!

Diet Coke all over the world!

I finally got to wear my new Chinese dress Once! On Christmas the cruise had a formal night so I put on my new dress and had a lovely evening. Then later on when they had another formal night about 10 days later I tried to put it back on and I could not seat down in it because I had gotten so fat! I told you we were eating our way through Asia well that confirmed it. We loved the food on the ship in Thailand and Malaysia. We enjoyed the spicy food with no hidden chicken feet or anything.  We enjoyed every bite and will have to diet later!
Kuantan Mayalsia

Koh Samui Thailand

Here we got to go on an Elephant Trek. It was so fun walking through the country side riding on top of an elephant. We did have an elephant trainer aboard also so we were not in charge of the massive animal. We had a great guy who talked to the elephant and us and had the elephant trumpet to us. He also jumped off and took some video of us on the elephant alone with our camera which we thought was great. We also got to watch a monkey and elephant show. Jim told me to volunteer to have the elephant massage my back but I just couldn't get myself to lay down and let the elephant step on me. I had visions of it getting mad and squishing me flat. It was a great day of fun!

Hanging out on the ship

Jim right after his Win in the Dart throwing compettion. They guy you see standing behind him was a strange fellow. He would wear glitter and hair bows all the time. That is his wife standing next to him.

Notice the strange law in Singapore and chewing gum. (lower right hand corner)  Death for chewing gum! They are trying to clean up the city and it is a very big deal to them.

Beautiful Shops that sold Sarees all over. They were very beautiful and I kind of wish I would have bought one while I was there.
Bangkok Thailand

While we were in Bangkok we saw a show that was amazing. The stage was so big that it had a running river big enough to float boats  across and  deep enough to dive into. They also had 2 live elephants and goats and chickens in the show. Our ONLY REGRET was that we didn't realize our ship was 2 1/2 hours away from town so we missed way too much of Bangkok. We got just a glimpse of it. We were on a tour that left late in the day and it was just the Chevy Chase version we got to see. If you ever get there spend the night so you can see more. We were at one of the night markets at the end of our tour and it was pretty wild. Lady boys were everywhere. It was site to see.

This was in Port Klang Malaysia at the Batu Caves. We got to walk up 272 stairs to go into a cave that had monkey's running around you. They had asked us to leave them alone they will bite!

So they tell you to stay away from the monkey's and Jim tells me to get close to get a picture and I do. Yeah we listen to all the rules given to us. We just don't always follow the rules.

Top of the cave

New Years Eve 2012

Dancing Grandmas
These two ladies danced every night all night. They had taken dance classes together and had some awesome moves. They would dress up too as you can see. They were fun to watch.
This lady danced every night too only she danced alone. You could just see the music move her until she just had to get up and dance! I could have added a picture of Jim and I if I had one. We tried to dance every night too. It was really fun. I wish we had some place around home to go dancing more often. I really miss that!

While we were walking around we passed a salon that had a special for about 5 American dollars that I just couldn't pass up. I talked Jim into going in and we put our feet in this pool of fish that ate the dead skin off of your feet. It tickled so bad that we were both laughing uncontrollably. We had the video camera with us and took some video too. It was one of the funniest things we did on our vacation. So if you ever get that opportunity take it. You will laugh really hard.

Waiting in the VIP Lounge in Taiwan for our Trip home. You couldn't wipe the smile off of my face that day.  I was flying Business Class and Going Home to see my family. I  was going to get to see my kids and kiss and hug my Grand children. I was one happy lady!

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